Well, evil if you're a spoon.

Shove the leads in the terminal strip - not too far or you'll stop the wires coming in the other end. This might involve technical things like cutting the component wires shorter. In the pictures, the big red & black wires are +12 volts and ground. The yellow wire is the signal wire that connects to your Arduino, clone or Pinguino. The thin black and red wires connect to the load, in this case a small fan. It matters which way round those fan wires go.
It works. But it needs a heatsink to drive loads of a few amps. Bad news for spoons. Having torn off its head, I filed over the wound, bashed its neck flat, drilled a 3mm (1/8") hole in it and bolted it to the hot transistor. Bwahahaha.
The other stuff is an EasyDriverV3 stepper driver that needs eight wires soldered to it to make a stepper motor move. The cheap little switches will replace the opto sensors. That'll have to do for this round of reprap simplification.
So, spoons, don't mess with me!
Vik :v)
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